Alchemists (Generators)⁠


The work you do is SO SO important to the world, but you are not meant to slave away doing the work that drags you down. ⁠

You are meant to find work that fuels you so that you create more of that beautiful Alchemical energy that we love being around. ⁠

Your work does not need to be your life's purpose, however. These two things are not mutually exclusive. ⁠

It is important that you are not trying to force your way. You are not an Initator (Manifestor). You MUST wait for things to come to you to RESPOND to. ⁠

Forcing your way will stop you from seeing the opportunities that are coming your way all the time. ⁠

Trusting your gut in deciding what is right for you to respond to is key! ⁠

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Aypril Porter

Aypril guides burned-out individuals who like to do things their own way but have gotten caught up in the rat race to take back control of being the creator of their lives with courage and purpose.

Orchestrators (Projectors)⁠


Calibrators (Reflectors)⁠