Alchemists (Generators)⁠


The work you do is SO SO important to the world, but you are not meant to slave away doing the work that drags you down. ⁠

You are meant to find work that fuels you so that you create more of that beautiful Alchemical energy that we love being around. ⁠

Your work does not need to be your life's purpose, however. These two things are not mutually exclusive. ⁠

It is important that you are not trying to force your way. You are not an Initator (Manifestor). You MUST wait for things to come to you to RESPOND to. ⁠

Forcing your way will stop you from seeing the opportunities that are coming your way all the time. ⁠

Trusting your gut in deciding what is right for you to respond to is key! ⁠

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Aypril Porter

Aypril Porter is a Human Design Life Coach and Author who helps clients reconnect with their authentic selves through understanding their unique design.

Orchestrators (Projectors)⁠


Calibrators (Reflectors)⁠