The Defined Ajna Center⁠

Defined Ajna Center.png

Approximately 47% of the population has a defined Ajna Center.

You have a defined, fixed way of processing thoughts. ⁠

⁠You process information in a particular way that is reliable, but it can be limiting in its fixedness. ⁠

⁠You can enjoy research, analyzing, and organizing. ⁠

⁠The shadow side shows up in your mind's ability to think it's good at making decisions for you, however, the mind is never the decision-making authority in Human Design. ⁠

⁠It is great for helping others as an outer-authority to sort information to make their decisions from, but do not trust it to make decisions for yourself. ⁠

⁠When I think of the Ajna, I think of the devil and angel on the shoulder while making decisions - whichever side has the most conviction, wins, but it may not be the correct decision for you. ⁠

⁠Your decisions must be made from your Authority (found in the chart), not the Ajna. ⁠

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Aypril Porter

Aypril Porter is a Human Design Life Coach and Author who helps clients reconnect with their authentic selves through understanding their unique design.

The Defined Head Center⁠


The Undefined Ajna Center⁠