Line 4 - The Opportunist


Line 4 - The Opportunist

The fourth line profile is the transition into the upper trigram. These are people that are here to network and build relationships. Most of their opportunities come to them through the people they know. They form deep connections to a circle of people in their network, ideally through their Strategy + Authority to know if the connections are correct for them. They do not have to go out looking for their people- their people connect them to people and opportunities. Though more out in the open socially, the 4th line still needs time to rejuvenate after people-ing to not burn out. 

This 4th line needs to have a sense of security before moving from one place to another. If they are moving, taking a new job, a new relationship, or trying something new, the 4th line will likely need to check out the location, be with the person, or get a sense of what it would be like before committing to change. 

Note to line 4 entrepreneurs - Two things. 

  1. Nourish your connections. Network.

  2. Look before you leap, but still leap if your Strategy and Authority say yes.

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Aypril Porter

Aypril Porter is a Human Design Life Coach and Author who helps clients reconnect with their authentic selves through understanding their unique design.

Line 5 - The Heretic


Line 3 - The Martyr