Line 6 - The Role Model


Line 6- The Role Model

The 6th line Profile goes through 3 stages in life before emerging as the Role Model.

The first stage is from birth to about age 30, when they live their lives as a 3rd line profile, trying ALL the things to see what works and what doesn't. They can sometimes be seen as aloof, and there can be a lot of bonds made and broken during this time.

By the time the second phase comes around, when they "go up on the roof" in human design terms, they slow down and turn more inward to reflect upon all the lessons they learned while living as a 3rd line until about age 30. If they do not understand that this is a normal pace for them to slow down (especially if they are a Generator or Manifesting Generator), they may feel down and wonder why they don't have the energy to do things like they once did. However, this phase is important so that they can become wise from all the things they learned while living as a third-line profile. This can be a time where they realize that they want to do things differently - like move, get a new job, start a business and begin thinking of what's next. 

The third phase begins with their Kiron Return around age 50. In this phase, they once again re-emerge and are engaged with life more but are now coming into their own as the wise role-model or mentor to share what they learned. If they have not done their time reflecting and re-evaluating what has worked for them and what is no longer working for them, trying to continue the push of living as a third line for those first 30 years, the transition back off the roof can be a bumpy ride. They may realize that a job or relationship is not working and change direction more suddenly, surprising those around them. 

Following their Strategy and Authority through their three stages will greatly help the 6th line profile experience life, reflect and emerge as the wise mentor they are destined to be. 

Note to line 6 entrepreneurs - Try the things. See what you like in the first phase. Find work in the second phase that allows you more space to reflect upon your life and lessons learned if possible, so that you can align your life in a meaningful way, and when you come off the roof around age 50, you can be that wise role model you know you're capable of. What phase you are in will determine how you best use your energy. Rely on your Strategy and Authority, 

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Aypril Porter

Aypril Porter is a Human Design Life Coach and Author who helps clients reconnect with their authentic selves through understanding their unique design.

The Profiles


Line 5 - The Heretic