routines and extremes


Parents, we’re just a few weeks into the new school year. How are you doing? 

The beginning of the year always starts with so much excitement. Parents are ready to get their kids back into school and on a routine again but sad that the summer is over. Hopefully, you’ve packed in a bunch of great memories – even if you never left your backyard all summer.

One of the fascinating things I find about kids is some kids really thrive on routine, while others need a lot more freedom to design their days in a way that feels good – in the moment.

There is a Channel in the Human Design chart that is all about rhythms and flows in life. It is the Channel 5-15. In Human Design, it’s called the Channel of Natural Order, and in Quantum Human Design™, it’s called the Channel of Rhythm.

Let’s break this channel apart and look at the gates individually.

Gate 5 is called Patterns (in QHD™, it’s called Consistency) and is all about routines and structure. People who have this gate defined thrive on routine and consistency. Kids with this gate defined like to have a routine. They like to do things in a similar way, such as getting up and out of the house in the morning. If you throw too many new variables at them, they may have a meltdown or struggle to feel grounded as they start their day. Gate 5 energy is consistent, like the sun rising and setting every day. We know it will rise again and set tomorrow. It’s dependable and reliable. You can support them by asking them what is important for their morning routine if getting out the door seems chaotic and they’re struggling.

Gate 15, on the other hand, enjoys more flexibility in their routine. They like to go with what feels good or that they respond to now. If you have a child with Gate 15, they are more likely to want to be in their own flow with their routine and how they do things. They feel less predictable in their daily routines and change things as they feel. If you have a child with an emotional wave in addition to Gate 15, you may see this move to more extremes at times. If Gate 5 is like the sun rising and setting each day, Gate 15 is the hurricane or earthquake that comes in to shake things up. They are the pattern interrupters. When they follow their flow, they help Gate 5 to change the routine and consider if it’s still working. This interruption allows them to see what else is possible. Gate 15 is called the gate of Extremes (in QHD™, it’s called Compassion).

If you have the entire channel, you enjoy routine and can flow with the changes of those around you. Change is normal and part of the pattern. You may find yourself pulled more to one of those gates more than the other, depending on the definition of the people you spend the most time with. If you have the 5-15 Channel defined in your chart and your child has Gate 5 only defined, you may find that you adapt to their routine more easily, while they may struggle to go with the flow and need things a certain way.

Both energies are important, so take a look at where in your family you have routines versus where you allow things to move with the flow of life. Do you or your child struggle with going with the flow? Do you or your child struggle with structure and routines?

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Aypril Porter

Aypril guides burned-out individuals who like to do things their own way but have gotten caught up in the rat race to take back control of being the creator of their lives with courage and purpose.

Calibrators (Reflectors)⁠


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