Sacral Authority


Sacral Authority belongs to both the Pure Generator and the Manifesting Generators. It is associated with a gut feeling or response and often has a solid verbal uh-huh or unh-uh. It can also be a sensation within the body of pulling toward or pushing away from a decision. 

Sacral Authority is one of the clearest Authorities in its ability to bypass the mind and get to your truth without too much questioning once you’ve connected to it. It may take some practice if you have not known this about yourself for long. 

Children with this Authority are often conditioned by being asked to explain or justify their yeses or noes. Over time, they begin not to trust it and rely more on the mind to make decisions, spending a lot of energy and creating a lot of indecision. 

Someone with a Sacral Authority has the ability, when connected to this truth-teller, to know what is a yes or no for them at the moment. The Sacral Authority answers in response to something or someone outside of themselves best. 

With this Authority, if you have a decision to make, it can be a good idea to have someone ask you yes/no questions around the decision to be made in a rapid-fire fashion to help you learn to bypass your mind and speak your truth. 

The response is, “do I want to invest my energy into this?”

When you can begin to say no thank you to things that you don’t want, you allow more space in your life for the things you do want. 

People with Sacral Authority can get caught up in people-pleasing and saying yes when they don’t want to because they have Sacral energy that is a pretty easily renewable resource. But just because they can do the work doesn’t mean they should be doing all of the work. If this is your Authority, ask yourself:

  • Are there areas in my life where I’m saying yes to things I don’t want to do anymore?

  • Am I taking on more than necessary because I think no one else will take care of things?

  • Do I deny what I truly want because I feel like I have to put other people’s needs before my own?

Consider - what would happen if you said no to one thing this week that you don’t want to do? You don’t need to answer this question but just put the question out there into the Universe to allow it to bring you possibilities to respond to. 

If you liked this post, you’ll enjoy chapter six in my book Parenting The Child You Have: Re-Imagining The Parent-Child Relationship Through The Lens of Human Design.

Want to learn more about your or your child's unique chart and your Sacral Authority? Book an Individual, Family, or Relationship Reading.

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Aypril Porter

Aypril Porter is a Human Design Life Coach and Author who helps clients reconnect with their authentic selves through understanding their unique design.

Splenic Authority


Emotional Authority