The Undefined Spleen Center⁠⁠

Undefined Spleen Center.png

Approximately 47% of the population has a defined Spleen Center.

This is an awareness center. It can provide great insight when aligned to sense when others are healthy, or not and is where we find intuition in the chart. (this can be a great tool for healers and caretakers when properly aligned)⁠

It also holds the instinct to know when you need to proceed with caution or run. Fear is its method to communicate a survival threat. ⁠

However, in our modern world, we often perceive things that are not life-threatening as so and can activate the fears that reside in this center unnecessarily. ⁠

An undefined spleen can tend to hold onto things that aren't good for them too long, if not in an aligned space – a relationship, a habit, a place can be held onto when it's no longer good for you if this is open and conditioned. ⁠

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Aypril Porter

Aypril Porter is a Human Design Life Coach and Author who helps clients reconnect with their authentic selves through understanding their unique design.

The Defined Spleen Center⁠


The Defined Sacral Center