The Undefined Throat Center⁠

Undefined Throat Center.png

Approximately 28% of the population has an undefined Throat Center, but that does not mean that all with a defined throat can speak easily at any time. For most of us, we have to wait for the right timing to share our thoughts, wisdom, feelings, etc.

A secondary function of the defined Throat is manifestation as an action, but it must be connected to a motor (ESP, Root, Sacral, Will) for that capacity.

People with undefined throats often feel like nobody hears them. ⁠

⁠Your voice is versatile and depends on who you are with. ⁠

⁠Whatever needs to be said will pop out of you without rehearsal - sometimes that is well received, sometimes not. ⁠

⁠You may try and over-rehearse what you want to say to "know" what is going to come out, but the gift of the open throat is the different ways it can express. ⁠

⁠The shadow side of an open throat is to get stuck trying to get attention and recognition and can be painful. ⁠

⁠Wait for others to initiate and then share. Your voice is valuable but timing is critical.⁠

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Aypril Porter

Aypril Porter is a Human Design Life Coach and Author who helps clients reconnect with their authentic selves through understanding their unique design.

The Undefined Ajna Center⁠


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