Human Design Readings

Human Design is a synthesis of the Chinese I Ching, Astrology, Hindu-Brahmin Chakras, The Kabbalah Tree of Life, Quantum Mechanics, Astronomy, Genetics, and Biochemistry.

Sessions are 60-minutes in length $222

Your Human Design chart helps you understand yourself better. It enables you to see yourself through another lens, one that peels back the layers of how you've been conditioned to be, and allows you to embrace all the parts of yourself. 

While every chart has its challenges, I’ll help you to see that these are the parts that help you to grow into the higher expressions of yourself rather than hold you back.

Sometimes people come to me familiar with Human Design who have been told that there are elements of their chart that they just have to accept, which leaves them feeling disempowered. These ideas hold them back from living their lives and misunderstanding Human Design. If this resonates with you, I invite you to book a session to see how your design is not holding you back and how you can work with the energy themes in your chart. There are no bad charts in Human Design. 

Sometimes the parts of yourself that you've been criticized for or afraid to show to the world are the best parts of you, and by hiding them away, you don't get to live the full expression of yourself in this lifetime. These places where you've felt limited are, in my experience, misunderstood.

When you don't get to show up in the world as the full expression of yourself, and you hide parts of yourself away or only reveal certain parts of yourself to people when you think it's acceptable, you live an inauthentic life. You don’t get the opportunity to make real connections in life if you don’t show people who you truly are.

If you’ve been playing it small in life or been told that you need to tone it down because you’re too much, let’s look at your chart and see how you’re meant to shine and what you’re here to learn more about in this life. You shouldn’t have to dim your light to let others shine. There’s enough room for us all to shine our lights brightly.

What is defined in your chart is what is consistent within you, and when you try to deny that, you can feel hurt, lonely, abandoned, unvalued, unloved, and unseen. 

Seeing who you are through your Human Design chart can give you a whole new appreciation for who you are and how you can show up as your authentic self in the world. 

Your chart can help you understand your life path, the themes you'll see consistently throughout your life, the areas you'll be challenged by other people, how you interact with the world, and how other people can trigger aspects of you that have been wounded in the past. 

Understanding your chart will give you more confidence as you go out into the world and interact with other people because you will finally understand what energy is coming from you and what you are picking up from other people in your life. When you can make this delineation, you can begin to realize that most of what is happening in your reactions with other people isn't really even about you. 

Do you want to learn more about yourself or your child?

I invite you to Book a Human Design session here.

“Human Design is like Meyers Briggs, Astrology, and The Four Tendencies got together and made a baby that reads like your own user manual to this life.”

What people are saying…

Wow. I am truly surprised by the amount of clarity and direction I received from my sacral session. Aypril creates a safe space so I feel comfortable to speak to my truth. I love how Aypril beautifully threads coaching within the session to allow a deeper and richer experience. I was pleasantly surprised that even after my session I was able to tap into that sacral response on my own and start making decisions from that place. I now know what it feels like to be aligned to my sacral center and it is so empowering.
— Clara, manifesting generator, Florida, USA
My Human Design work with Aypril was the first time any person or personality tool had ever articulated how and why my energy levels and work style seem to be so different than most of the people I know, and why working a standard 9-5 job has been so much more draining for me than others. She even brought up – accurately – how particular work environments can be better suited to giving me more energy, and why that energy might fade once I leave. Our work helped me to embrace my natural tendencies and work with them, instead of comparing myself to other people who function very differently than me. If you’re curious about Human Design, I highly recommend working with Aypril!
— Kelley
I’ve been a client of Aypril’s for Coaching and returned for Aypril’s Human Design sessions. I absolutely love working with Aypril. She always provides a safe space so I can process my truth without judgement. I received so much value out of her coaching, and when I returned for Human design readings I loved how she uses her coaching skills as well to bring out deeper insights. The work I have done with Aypril has truly enriched my life. Now, I stop trying to do things the way everyone else is and know its ok to honor my own way. Thank you so much, Aypril. You are such a light to this world!
— Jeanette
Before my HD reading with Aypril I was in a place of confusion and unable to manage the emotions and thoughts I had been feeling deeply for some time. During my session Aypril helped me gain an impactful understanding and appreciation for who I am and how I process the environment and people around me. Since then I’ve gained clarity and control over my emotions and thoughts and I’ve been able to start walking in the unique ways that are aligned with who I am. I highly recommend Aypril to anyone that wants a deeper understanding of themselves and how they are designed to live and respond to life, so they can truly live it fully and in purpose.
— Sara