Ego Authority


The ego Authority belongs to either the Manifestor (ego manifested) or the Projector (ego projected). It is determined by connecting the Will Center (also referenced as the Ego Center) and the Throat Center or the G Center. In addition to having one of these connections, there must not be a definition in the ESP, Sacral, or Spleen; however, they may have a defined Head and/or Ajna Center.

The Ego Manifested Authority is driven by the Will Center's motor to manifest through its Throat Center connection. The Will Center's connection to the Throat Center allows the Manifestor to speak their needs. These needs may sound like "I want...", "I need..." Or "I don't want," "I don't need." The conditioned mind tries to interfere because it tends to be more socially acceptable to ask for what you need rather than state what you need. Conditioning can greatly disempower the Manifestor's inner Authority, and it may take a considerable mindset shift to allow them to stand in their true power. 

The Manifestor needs not filter what they say when it comes to finding their truth. Driven by their internal non-verbal, creative flow, when they speak, it is in response to whether they have the resources available to commit to what is being asked of them. As non-sacral beings, they must make sure they have rest and replenish cycles before taking on the next big thing. When a Manifestor says no, it's because they don't have the resources to commit to the task at hand or they are not interested in putting the energy they do have into this particular task or project. 

The Ego Projected Authority is defined through a connection of the Will Center to the G Center through the Channel of Initiation 25-51. Though they may also have a defined Head and/or Ajna Center, this rare Authority is predisposed to more conditioning through its many open Centers. 

This Projector must wait for the invitation and when invited, ask themself, What do I want?" "What's in it for me?" Do I want to use my precious energy for this or not? If entered into correctly, they will have the resources they need; if not, they may find themself tired and wanting out of the commitment. 

Projectors need to talk to others to hear themselves, and this Authority is no exception; in fact, they may need more verbal processing to find their truth and realize if they have the resources to say yes to this invitation. 

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Aypril Porter

Aypril Porter is a Human Design Life Coach and Author who helps clients reconnect with their authentic selves through understanding their unique design.

Self Projected Authority


Splenic Authority