Self Projected Authority


The Self-Projected Authority belongs only to the Projector Type.

This Authority is defined by having a connection between the G Center and the Throat Center. 

Because the G Center is about love, direction, and identity, someone with this Authority speaks from the core of who they are in response to invitations. To find their truth, they need to be able to talk freely without rehearsing or editing their response regarding a decision. 

A child with this Authority may learn to alter their spoken truth to protect their parent or themselves by answering with the response they think their parent wants to hear. The child (or later the adult) with this Authority must have someone in their life who allows them to talk out a decision without influencing them to find their truth. 

The biggest takeaway for someone with this Authority is not to filter what you say but to allow yourself to speak your soul's truth from your G Center. Do not rehearse what you want to say to avoid having the mind get involved in your decision-making. 

A concern someone with this Authority may feel is regarding hurting another's feelings. If this is your Authority, consider whether saying yes to something that doesn't feel aligned is fair to either you or the other person. Is it possible you could be keeping them from finding someone else who would much prefer to commit to their invitation? Staying aligned in your Authority and truth allows everyone to align with their Authority and truth and use their energy for what is correct for them.

When responding to an invitation with a Self-Projected Authority, consider the following questions: 

  • "Do I feel like myself if I say yes to this?"

  • "Is this the right direction for me?"

  • "Will this make me happy?"

When you answer, listen to what you say in the moment; this is your truth.

Want to learn more about your or your child's unique chart and your Self-Projected Authority? Book an Individual, Family, or Relationship Reading.

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Aypril Porter

Aypril Porter is a Human Design Life Coach and Author who helps clients reconnect with their authentic selves through understanding their unique design.

No Inner (Mental/Environmental) Authority


Ego Authority