Do You Need A Coach to Figure Out What You Want?

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Why would you need a coach to figure out what you want? Just decide and then go after it, right?

If you follow any conventional “wisdom,” you’ll hear things like “if you just want it bad enough” or “the harder you work, the bigger the payoff”.

Those sentiments will get you only so far, and then the doubt will creep in, the fears – the what-ifs. Not because you can’t do it, but because you’re human. And based on your human lived experiences, you have probably tried some things, and they didn’t work out every time.

This is the part where we tend to get hung up. If we don’t immediately succeed at something or aren’t better than so and so, or not declared a “born natural,” we find it so easy to walk away and move onto the next thing.

But this is the gold! This is the part where you get to figure out what you want. Is it really something you want, or is it something societal conditioning told you you should want? What did you learn from the experience? How would you do it differently the next time?

It is in the failing that we learn how to discern what is really important to us.

Failing means that you’ve taken a risk. You’ve tried something new. You dared to see if something else was possible. We won’t win all the time, but even when we lose, we learn. Or, at least, we CAN learn.

Working with a coach can help you to get clear on what you want, but they can also help you to look at things from a different perspective. Maybe you’re so stuck in the feeling of failure because you tried something and it didn’t work out as you’d hoped but with a little shift in perspective, you could see what you learned from that experience and how you want to take that wisdom into the next thing you do.

Add in your Human Design Type and Strategy, and you may find that your approach to what you’re going after isn’t aligned with your Energy Type, creating blocks for you getting what you’re asking for. We are not all designed to initiate something we dream up- actually, only about 9% of us are. Most of us-even if we have a great idea, we need to wait for something to respond to or an invitation to accept that will take us toward what we’ve dreamed up. And sometimes the best things that come to us we can’t even imagine until they land at our feet.

There’s something to be learned through either the trial and error approach or leaning into your Human Design approach. Which one do you take? I think that they’re all valuable. Understanding your Human Design Type and Strategy and also trying things. As Ra Ura Hu (founder of Human Design) always said. “Don’t believe me, go try it for yourself.”

Want to know your Human Design Type and Strategy? Request your unique Human Design chart + Personalized intro here.

Aypril Porter

Aypril Porter is a Human Design Life Coach and Author who helps clients reconnect with their authentic selves through understanding their unique design.

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