Lunar Authority


The Lunar Authority belongs exclusively to the rare Reflector Energy Type. It involves waiting for a lunar cycle–yes, a full 28 days, to make a big decision. 

This Authority, based on the lunar cycle, has to experience the definition of the moon as it highlights each of the 64 gates in the human design chart. The Lunar Authority needs more time than the other Authorities to make a decision.

Over time, people with this Authority will recognize the different feelings they get through the moon's movement through the Gates, and the decision-making process may become much more aligned and connected. Eventually, they may become so familiar with the energies of the Gates of the moon in their chart as they transit that they don't have to wait for an entire lunar cycle for clarity on a decision. 

Reflectors take in their environment and the people around them constantly, so they must give themselves enough time alone to get out of the aura of other people and can connect with their truth without the influence of others. 

During the lunar cycle, the Reflector needs to talk over their thoughts with people they trust to experience their reflections about the decision in question.

Bottom line. Reflectors need time - lots of it, to make a decision. They need to allow themselves the time and not be rushed into a decision. They must be cautious not to rush a decision for fear of losing out on an opportunity and rush them into a decision that isn't right for them. If the option is correct for them, the opportunity will still be there when they reach clarity.

Want to learn more about your or your child's unique chart and your Lunar Authority? Book an Individual, Family, or Relationship Reading.

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Aypril Porter

Aypril Porter is a Human Design Life Coach and Author who helps clients reconnect with their authentic selves through understanding their unique design.

Anxiety Attacks, Identity Crisis, and Burnout, Oh My!


No Inner (Mental/Environmental) Authority