Human Design

Human Design does not tell you who to be. It simply provides you with a blueprint of your inherent energy, allowing you to align with your higher purpose and understand what you came here to experience in this lifetime. (I’d bet that you know on some level already). Through Human Design, you’ll understand how to utilize your energy to its best and highest capacity and make decisions from a centered and aligned place of truth for you, and so much more!

It can be an invaluable anchor point for you to reference when life feels tumultuous or misaligned, allowing you to re-center and give yourself permission to just be you.

“Human Design is like Meyers Briggs, Astrology, and The Four Tendencies got together and made a baby that reads like your personal user manual to this life.”

-Aypril Porter

Human Design Readings

Family Human Design Reading

Relationship Readings

Individual Readings

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Re-Imagining the Parent-Child Relationship Through the Lens of Human Design

The new companion workbook is Available NOW!

Available now in print or digital at retailers below, or ask your local bookstore or library. :)

“To put into words, let alone a few short sentences of my experience working with Aypril is going to be next to impossible, but here goes! Aypril has taken me on quite the incredible journey of understanding and stepping into my true self, and loving myself again. Throughout our months working together she always held a safe space for me, and we worked together on so so much, which allowed me to grow in ways I never thought possible. Aypril beautifully intertwined human design and coaching! Looking back at myself from when we started to work together to now, I just can’t help but smile. All I can say is I genuinely feel like ME again! I’m forever grateful I reached out to Aypril, and the journey she took me on.”