The Defined Throat Center⁠

Defined Throat Center.png

Approximately 72% of the population has a defined Throat Center.

You have a consistent way of expressing yourself and communicating. ⁠There is less surprise here than with an undefined throat, but timing is still important with what you share.

⁠The Throat Center is the center of manifestation (speaking things into existence)⁠

A secondary function of the defined Throat Center is manifestation as an action, but it must be connected to a motor (ESP, Root, Sacral, Will) for that capacity.

⁠Depending on how your throat is connected in the chart will determine more about what you're here to communicate. You have a consistent way of communicating.⁠

⁠Follow your Strategy and Authority on when/what to share.⁠

⁠This center also represents the thyroid, parathyroid, and throat. ⁠

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Aypril Porter

Aypril guides burned-out individuals who like to do things their own way but have gotten caught up in the rat race to take back control of being the creator of their lives with courage and purpose.

Overcoming Projector Entrepreneurial Overwhelm by Batching Content & Tasks


The Undefined G - Center