The Undefined G - Center

Undefined G Center.png

Approximately 54% of the population has an undefined G Center.

The center for love, identity, and direction. ⁠

When the G - Center is undefined you may feel as though you're always looking for love or direction in life. ⁠

If you can sink into the beauty and wisdom of this undefined center, you will appreciate taking in and identifying with the people in your life. ⁠

Because both location and people are important for this center, if you find yourself feeling uncomfortable where you are or who you're with, then it is likely not the right place or person/people for you. ⁠

Mastery of this center = letting go of trying to control your life direction and surrendering to making sure that you're in the right place or with the right people by how you feel. Your undefined G will tell you if it's right or not. ⁠

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Aypril Porter

Aypril Porter is a Human Design Life Coach and Author who helps clients reconnect with their authentic selves through understanding their unique design.

The Defined Throat Center⁠


The Defined G - Center⁠