Undefined Will Center

Undefined will center.png

It's the smallest center with the second-fewest gates (just behind the Head Center with 3 gates), and it is one of the places where we hold the deepest conditioning. ⁠

We live in a world that tells us that if we just say enough affirmations or commit ourselves to a process, a deadline, a way of being, a diet, to quit smoking, etc. that we will succeed. ⁠

The world says "if you have enough WILL power, you will succeed".⁠

This right here is where you can call bullshit on that theory. ⁠

Roughly 63% of the population does not have definition in this center, which means that they lack CONSISTENT  access to willpower.  This does not mean that you cannot commit to doing things, but if you've ever said "I'm always going to_____, or I'm never going to ______ again", and couldn't hold up your end of that bargain, then you might already know this center.⁠

We're operating in a world that literally goes against the way the majority of the population is designed. No wonder we feel so shitty when we can't keep those New Year's Resolutions! We're not all designed that way.⁠

If your Will Center is Undefined (white) your will power will not be consistent but you may find that around certain people (likely you'd find they have a defined will center or that the two of you create a temporary one while you're together) that you feel like you have a lot of willpower but outside of their aura you feel like your will power comes crashing down. ⁠

This is not a deficit. This is an ability to instinctively know who is good at keeping their promises, who can follow through, commit, and do what they say.  Embrace your superpower you amazing human!⁠⁠

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Aypril Porter

Aypril Porter is a Human Design Life Coach and Author who helps clients reconnect with their authentic selves through understanding their unique design.


The Defined Will Center⁠


Friendship is like a Tootsie Pop