The Defined Will Center⁠

Defined Will Center.png

While only 35% of the population have this center define and access to consistent will power, the world treats everyone like they do. ⁠

While this can work okay (for a while) for those who are defined here, they also know that this energy has waves as well and if you push push push you will likely find a type of burnout from overusing this center. ⁠

It's really important for you to understand that if you have definition here, that those around you likely may not and what you expect they can do may be vastly different than what they can actually commit to, and by expecting that from them, you may be setting both of you up for disappointment. ⁠

People with defined will centers, need to be careful of what they consider commitment from others and have a lot of grace for those around them that do not have this consistent energy. ⁠

This can show up (for example) in someone who tries a particular "diet" and can stick with it and tells everyone else they need to do it and it will change their life. When the undefined will person tries it and can't commit, they feel like they've failed and the person who can commit thinks that the method (the diet) is the reason they succeeded and continues to tell everyone so. Finding a way to nourish your body that works for the individual is so much more important than any "diet" out there. ⁠

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Aypril Porter

Aypril Porter is a Human Design Life Coach and Author who helps clients reconnect with their authentic selves through understanding their unique design.

The Undefined Emotional Solar Plexus (ESP) Center⁠


Undefined Will Center