Episode 11 - Introduction to Self Authority


Okay, so now we're gonna move on to the self authority. So this is another authority that is only found in projectors. This inner authority is concerned with making decisions that feel aligned with the truth of who they are at their core. So this is an inner authority that is defined by the G center being colored in on the chart and connected to, the throat center.

And so when a person is making decisions, they're running it through an internal filter of, does this make me feel more like myself or less like myself? Does this make me feel seen? Does it make me feel recognized? Does this feel like a good direction for me to go in? Does it feel aligned with my path or does it not?

does it feel like you're being recognized and called out for who you are, or does it feel like somebody's projecting something else onto you that isn't? You, they're inviting you to something that isn't right for you because they're not seeing you. So, this is really it, it's a more rare authority, but it's, it's one that is also, important to know, like, do you feel like yourself?

So understanding who you are and what is important to you and the direction you're going and being really clear about that. It is important for you to stay aligned in this inner authority.

Aypril Porter

Aypril guides burned-out individuals who like to do things their own way but have gotten caught up in the rat race to take back control of being the creator of their lives with courage and purpose.


Episode 12 - Introduction to Mental + Lunar Authorities


Episode 10 - Introduction to Ego Manifested + Ego Projected Authority