Navigating the Parent-Child Emotional Dynamic
Do you struggle to connect with your child in meaningful ways?
Do you feel like you’re just reacting to your child’s emotional outbursts rather than responding?
Learn more about this dynamic in this free download.
Those same words that you swore you'd never use with your kids.
OMG. If they hadn't pushed your buttons, you could have kept your cool and not heard your mother's reply just come out of your mouth.
You reacted emotionally and blew through your own boundaries.
As parents, we've all been there.
The emotional dynamic between parent and child can seem confusing, chaotic, and like a never-ending game of "guess what I'm thinking/feeling?"
Every conversation becomes laced with the edges of the last big emotional blow-up, and you wonder how you're going to fix things.
Enter Human Design.
When you learn about this one key element of your and your child's Human Design charts, you'll see exactly why you and how you press each other's emotional buttons.
You'll learn how to take care of yourself and your child so that you see through the emotions to what is really happening and develop an emotionally resilient relationship.
Download this free guide to understanding emotions through the lens of Human Design.