Would you still have signed up for this parenting gig if you’d known how much of your old wounds it would stir up?

Parenting is a wild ride.

No matter how much you think you’re prepared for it, or how many parents you ask for advice before your child comes along, you’re never fully prepared for the changes that happen to you, the parent.

You weren’t prepared for the wounds that would come back up as an opportunity for you to heal, and you’re certainly weren’t given any tips on how to navigate them once they did start showing up. At best, you receive empathy and commiseration over how hard it can be, but it’s served alongside a plate of suck-it-up-buttercup-this-is-parenting.

We’re given the message that our parents suffered, and we caused them great agony and our children will do the same to us; this is life, get used to it.

This idea that misery loves company needs to go. Why do we wear our struggles as badges of honor, as if the more of them you collect, or the harder you make things on yourself, the braver, tougher, stronger you are? It’s as if we’re trying to prove our worthiness to be a parent by showing that we too can sacrifice, as our ancestors did to hold our rank as a “good parent”.

Your child is unique. They have their own unique needs and quirks, just like you do.

Most of the parenting advice out there is about how to get better control over your child, or tips, tricks, and parent hacks to get your child to do what you want them to do.

We’re operating from an old paradigm. One that reacts out of fear and tries to always have the upper hand.

We must stop seeing our children as a possession to control and realize that they are their own person and when we treat them as such, we help them grow into resilient, self-assured, confident people.

There is literally no other child on the earth that is just like your child, even twins. Every single person on this earth has their own unique likes, dislikes, needs, wants, desires, comforts and more.

We are all designed to be different, and that should be celebrated, rather than conditioned out of us.

Parenting is so much less about what we DO for our kids, but about who we BE for our kids.

If we are operating as a parent from our childhood wounds, we stir up all those old hurts with no place to go but onto our children and the people closest to us.

When we take the time to look at our patterns, needs, wants, and desires and start giving ourselves what we need, we can be the most authentic, grounded, embodied version of ourselves that we know how to be. We teach our kids to be the most authentic, grounded, embodied version of themselves, and they get to grow up feeling safe to be themselves.

They get to see their quirks and uniqueness as an asset rather than a liability.

Human Design helps us to understand how to best support our child on their journey of staying true to themselves as they grow, and it helps us as parents to de-condition from the outdated beliefs that keep us stuck repeating patterns that cause us to burn out, forget who we are as individuals outside of ‘mom’ and raise kids who grow up to do the same.

You are here to break the cycle.  

We get to end the parenting style of “this is how I was raised, and I turned out just fine”, which is a defense mechanism that keeps us from having to look at ourselves and our patterns, and embrace a parenting style where we pause and look at our children, really look at them, and ask ourselves, is this what’s best for them?

And in that pause, we also get to ask ourselves, was that what was best for me? Am I perpetuating a story that as a child made me feel less than? Unheard? Unseen? Unvalued? And if we are, we get an opportunity to choose to change that story for both our children and for ourselves.

We can re-parent ourselves through our own parenting journey.

Parenting the Child You Have with Human Design helps you see the patterns you’re unconsciously repeating and make a new choice. It puts you in control of your own story and allows your children to grow up feeling seen, heard, valued, and loved for just being themselves–quirks and all.

Can you imagine if you’d been allowed to be your unique self from childhood?

How can understanding your child's Human Design help your parenting?

Childhood Fears

Do you feel exasperated by your child's seemingly irrational fears?

Learn about the ways your child may be more naturally inclined to experience their fears and what those fears are.

Is this your child?

Do you have a child who seems to have no fears and will follow their curiosity and disappear before you notice they're gone?

It's not your parenting.

They just have different needs.

Tired of being interrupted?

Does your child seem to always want your attention at the most inconvenient times?

Learn how to support their needs proactively so you can meet your needs too.

Emotional Dynamics

Understanding emotions through the lens of Human Design allows you to communicate better and understand your child's emotional needs, and better support them.

Are you asking the right kind of questions?

Did you know that some kids need yes/no questions and others need space to talk?

Energy Types + Needs

Learn more about how much and what kind of movement your child needs. How to help them sleep and interact with the world with ease.

Most of the parenting advice out there is about how to get better control over your child or tips, tricks, and parent hacks to get your child to do what you want them to do.

We’re operating from an old paradigm. One that reacts out of fear and tries to always have the upper hand.

We must stop seeing our children as a possession to control and realize that they are their own people, and when we treat them as such, we help them grow into resilient, self-assured, confident people.

There is literally no other child on the earth, just like your child, even twins. Every single person on this earth has their own unique likes, dislikes, needs, wants, desires, comforts, and more.

We are all designed to be different, and that should be celebrated rather than conditioned out of us.


If we are operating as a parent from our childhood wounds, we stir up all those old hurts with no place to go but onto our children and the people closest to us.

When we take the time to look at our patterns, needs, wants, and desires and start giving ourselves what we need, we can be the most authentic, grounded, embodied version of ourselves that we know how to be. We teach our kids to be the most authentic, grounded, embodied version of themselves, and they get to grow up feeling safe to be themselves.

They get to see their quirks and uniqueness as an asset rather than a liability.

In this course, you’ll learn how to parent your child by their human design, how to support yourself as the parent, and re-parent your inner child through your human design.

You get an opportunity to change longstanding patterns to re-write your story and what your children will carry forward in their lives and their children one day.

About the content of this course

Journal Prompts

Journal prompts to help you deepen your connection to your and your child's charts and decondition from limiting beliefs.

Downloadable PDFs

Download PDFs for most modules to help you keep the most important information at your fingertips for quick reference.

Group chat

Within the course platform, you’ll have access to a group chat to ask questions

New video modules every other week for 12 weeks

You’ll have new videos unlocked every two weeks to allow you time to work through the material, ask questions, and integrate what you’re learning.

Lifetime Updates

As course updates are made, you'll have access to any new information for the lifetime of the course.

Private podcast with audio files from the course

I know you’re busy and tired of looking at screens all day. Listen to the content in your favorite podcast player instead if you prefer.

Are you ready to update your life story to reflect who you truly are, rather than who you’ve been told to be, and allow your children to grow up feelings safe to be themselves?

Client Testimonial

My son has always struggled with emotional regulation, especially when he gets angry. During our Human Design consultation, Aypril helped me understand how my son’s undefined Emotional Solar Plexus leaves him vulnerable to absorbing emotions from others throughout the day, resulting in outbursts that seem unprovoked and overblown. She also explained how these emotions “ping-pong” back and forth between my son and other people, gaining intensity and momentum, until my son gets overwhelmed and needs to release. Aypril’s insight helped me see why my go-to approach for dealing with outbursts wasn’t working for this son. She helped me find new strategies that better fit his Human Design, and that has made parenting my intense son so much easier.
— Rachel
Aypril creates such a safe space to move past the expectations that have been set by social media, your childhood experience, and others. During our sessions, she helped me to see through the should dos and move toward what I really want for myself and to find what’s really for me.
— Amber, TX
Aypril has helped my family to understand how we all have different needs (three Generators and one Projector) and gave us suggestions on how we could get everyone’s needs met. I was able to take what I learned in these parenting sessions and not only understand my children and husband, but also understand why I do things the way that I do and how they way my parents raised me affects how I raise my kids. Now I can see when I am reacting out of an old pattern and am able to alter my reactions so that my kids get to have a different childhood than I had. The tapping helped me to release old fears and places I was stuck. Thank you Aypril, you’ve changed my family!
— Jessica

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