Episode 3 - Introduction to the Manifestor Energy Type in Human Design


Hi, and welcome back. Today we are talking about human design and we're gonna talk about the manifester energy type. First. The manifester represents about eight to 9% of the population. They are defined as someone who does not have a, sacral center defined, but they do have a motor center connected to the throat center.

So the motor centers are the root. Sacral, which they would not actually have that one. So either the root, the emotional center or the will center is going to be connected to the throat center through a channel in a manifester, but they will never have the sacral center defined. So that is the difference between them and a manifesting generator.

They are here to initiate and to bring new ideas into form, and their strategy is to wait for their inner creative drive. , no matter how irrational it may seem to others, , to tell them when it's right for them to take action and then to inform the people who will be affected by that action. So when I talk about the internal creative drive, this is something that gets a little confusing for most people because it's not something that's verbal, it's not, anything that can.

Often it, it doesn't even make sense to other people, but within the manifester it is often a feeling that won't leave them alone. So they may have an idea or a desire to do something, and if they kind of suppress that because, oh, it's not acceptable, oh, my family won't appreciate that, or, oh, I don't have the time for it.

It's the thing that keeps coming back to the manifester and it keeps poking them and it keeps saying, Hey. I need you to do this thing. Hey, we wanna do this. And this is that inner creative drive. So it just keeps kind of nagging at the manifester until they take action. If they don't take action, it can fade, it can go away.

Um, but this is the thing that Manifester is here for, is to initiate new things, to bring new ideas forth, and to try new things. And so we want to encourage this in a manifester whenever possible. , The manifester as a child often gets told, no, you can't do that. No, that's not safe. No, we don't behave that way.

No, we can't just go wandering off. , and you know, , the thing about the manifester child is that we really want to encourage this part of them. We want to encourage the exploration so that the. Keep this part of them alive, this little fire that is burning within them. And it can be really challenging as a parent because this child needs to be parented in a different way than other children.

They need you to say yes more often. And I know as a parent, it's hard to let go and take that step back. But if you can do that and keep one hand on what they're doing, , while letting them have a little bit more freedom, everybody wins. They get to explore and you get to have some knowledge of what's happening so that if there's something that they're gonna do that's dangerous, you can either prevent it or help to mitigate the damages from it.

Um, The way that we do this is we teach the manifester child to inform, and ultimately , as a manifester becomes older, the informing is not for the people around them as much as it's for the manifester themselves. So sometimes the manifester adult will say, well, I don't wanna inform people, I don't wanna have to tell people what I'm doing, because that feels like asking for permission.

And I don't want to ask for permission. I don't feel like I need to ask for permission, and you don't. It is not about asking for permission. Ultimately, with a manifester, it is about informing others of what you're gonna do so that your energy is not interrupted while you are initiating something new.

Because if that energy gets interrupted in that initiation phase, it sometimes does not get restarted again. It will just kind of. Fizzle out, and then that idea will just dissipate and, and not come back. So it's about telling people what you're gonna do, that you are unavailable for a certain amount of time that you don't wanna be interrupted or, you know, whatever it is that you need so that you can complete or at least get a good start on what you want to initiate, whether this is art or, , a building or a adventure, or anything that you dream up.

This is what the manifester is here for. And so we wanna encourage more of this. , the informing is such an important piece because , the manifester has, , an aura that we describe as, and I don't really like this term, but it's, it's described as repelling. The, the reason for this is because the manifesto aura is so big and so powerful because it needs to break through.

It needs to break through other auras. It needs to break through other areas so that it can clear the way for those big initiations that it has. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to initiate in the same way, but it doesn't mean that they're repelling in the way that we typically think of the word repelling.

You know, manifesters can be very warm and very loving and very caring also. But when they're in that manifesting, , initiating phase, you know, there can be, , this big energy that pushes out from them. And it just is kind of saying, please, back off. I need space and I need room to do what I'm doing. But it's not personal.

And that is one of the biggest things about human design that we see is, is all of these places where we feel like, oh, that person doesn't like me. Oh, they don't want me here. Oh, I'm not accepted, is that it's not personal. Human design shows us that this is just energy and this is how our energy interacts with one another.

So when we understand these energy types, we can understand how our energies interact with others. We understand that the majority of people are. A generator or manifesting generator type, and we'll talk about that in the next, , episode. But understanding that about eight to 9% of the population is a manifester.

When you come in contact with somebody with this energy, you'll begin to feel it. As you get to know these energy types better, you'll begin to feel it. And as you look up charts for the people in your life and maybe you know, a manifester, you'll start to see their energy a little bit differently and you'll start to see, , their reactions a little differently and take them less personally.

So one of the things that we talk about in human design is that each type has , Emotional component to it. And so when the manifester is living in alignment, they will feel peace. They'll be able to manifest and initiate things. They will inform, they will have time and space, and then they will feel more peaceful because they will have, kind of a, a settled feeling about them when they actually get to complete the things that they wanna complete.

When they are not living in alignment, you'll see the manifester express anger. More often that anger is saying, I'm trying to do something and things are blocking me or getting in my way, and I can't do that. So we have to recognize that if you are a manifester, if you are feeling anger often in your life, you know, it's an opportunity to look at where are you not informing people.

Where are you not saying yes to yourself in that inner creative drive that is telling you what is next, , and how can you better take care of yourself in that regard. The other thing about the manifesto is that. They're not here to do the work indefinitely. They're here to start the ideas, but they're not always the people that finish the things.

So they may be somebody who creates a business and then sells it. They may be somebody who has a big idea and then hands it off to a generator or manifesting generator to continue working on. , it doesn't mean that they're not completing it. It doesn't mean that they're failing. It just means that they've done their part and now they're ready to move on and do the next thing.

In order for them to feel like they can create and that they have, , that inner creative drive and that spark and that fire, they have to have cycles of rest. So you can imagine that if you were continuously starting things that it would be exhausting if you didn't have time to rest. So it's really important that the manifester has cycles of rest between their initiations.

So what this can look like is you may see a manifester who works as hard as a generator and really dives in and they give it their all. And this can be for days, it can be for weeks, it can even be for months. It can be for a very long time if they have the aligned energy for this. And then when they're done, they may take a break that it lasts days or weeks or months.

And I've even seen manifesters take a year or more of a break because they just need to replenish themselves so that that next creative cycle can come in. If they don't take that, that rest cycle between and they keep trying to prove that they can keep going or they keep trying to work like a generator.

They will burn out. And so , we see the manifester burnout somewhere around age 50 if they haven't learned that this rest cycle is very important to them. , and I think that that's an important thing to notice is that they just keep going and going, but at some point their physical health will suffer if they don't recognize that they need these cycles of rest.

So two things , to notice here is that they need to have space to initiate and then they also need that space to have rest cycles. As I mentioned, with , their aura being so big and impactful, they need to recognize that they do have a big impact on people when they are there. People feel their energy, and when they leave a room, people feel that energy's absence.

And so if you are a manifester and you are. At an event and you're communicating with people, you're sitting at a table and you get up and you leave suddenly without saying where you're going. People may follow you. They may come up and say, where are you going? What are you doing? And that's not really because they need to know and be in your business.

It's just that they feel the absence of your energy when you leave and they kind of miss it. It's like, where's that going? What is happening? And so if you can. Let them know by informing them, I'm going to the kitchen. I'm going for a walk. I'm going and I will be back in 20 minutes or whatever it is.

They'll leave you alone because they know now, okay, your, your energy will be gone for a while and I can know when to expect it back. One other thing is that the manifester may have an emotional authority. If they have an emotional authority, they need to give themselves time to move through their emotional wave.

And this may affect how their creative drive and their cycles of rest work as well. Because if they're in a low of their emotional wave, they're not going to, , have that inner creative drive. They're probably not gonna feel as rested and, and ready to initiate. But in that low, there can be a, a really.

Important amount of feeling that happens and that feeling that happens when, when they allow themselves time to spend in that emotional place and they connect with that emotional feeling can be the thing that drives the next creative inspiration. Because you know, you think about emotions and when somebody's in a low, they're feeling very deeply, but when they come out of that, they can.

If they can write poetry, they can sing songs, they can create art, they can, um, come up with ideas to help change the world and support others who were feeling those lows at that time. So there's a lot of things that come out of these emotional ups and downs that a manifester can create from. Um, and we can all create it from that.

But the manifester is, is, you know, that initiator, they're the only energy type that initiates in this way. So I think that that's important to notice and. You know, if you have a child who is a manifester, learning to parent them as a manifester and not treat them as you know, the rest of the population who are mostly generator types and expecting them to do and work and be in the same way as the rest of the family is really important.

One of thing I'll say about the manifesto child is that if a manifesto child has been raised in a generator, Dominant family and they're expected to behave more like a generator by the time they hit about age 11 or 12. I see a lot of shifting here where they are coming into those pre-teen years and they're starting to assert themselves more.

There may be a lot more pushback, there may be a lot more, um, conflict with parents and that power struggle and that power struggle is saying, I want. To own my power, I want to decide what I do. And so contrary to what a lot of parents wanna do is we actually need to step back and give them a little bit more of their power.

And it doesn't mean giving them all of the power. It's like how can we give them appropriate power so that they feel powerful and in choice in their lives as much as possible for their age, , without kind of putting out that fire that's within them. Because that fire is what their gift is. They're here to initiate things and we need to encourage more of that, but they have to feel appropriately powerful.

So , the summary here is, you know, manifesters need to create, they need to be rested. If you see a manifesto of getting angry, often it's a sign that they are living out of alignment. It's an opportunity to look at where are they not giving themselves what they need? Where are they not resting? Where are they not feeling like they can initiate and take action?

So, I guess that's all I have for the manifester today. I feel like I could talk on and on about the manifester, but I'll keep it, I'll keep it to about 15 minutes today 'cause I think that this is a satisfactory overview of it. If you have questions, please reach out and I'd be happy to do another. Um, Episode talking more about any of the questions you have.

All right. Take care.

Aypril Porter

Aypril Porter is a Human Design Life Coach and Author who helps clients reconnect with their authentic selves through understanding their unique design.


Episode 4 - Introduction to the Generator and Manifesting Generator Energy Type in Human Design


Episode 2 - Introduction to Human Design