Episode 4 - Introduction to the Generator and Manifesting Generator Energy Type in Human Design


Hi, and welcome back this week we are talking about the generator energy type in human design. The generators represent approximately 70% of the population, and that includes both generators and manifesting generators. So I'm gonna break this down into two kind of parts.

We'll start with the generator and then we'll move into the manifesting generator because they are both generator energy types at their core. So the purpose of the generator is that they are part of the workforce life force, , builders of the world. They are here to find proficiency in their work by responding to what life brings them through their strategy,

their strategy is to wait for something external to show up for them to respond to. What this means is that if as a generator you are. Um, thinking of an idea, maybe it's a business idea and you want to just go out and make it happen. You need to remember that the generator operates differently than the manifester.

Who's here to initiate? The generator needs to wait for something to show up in their external reality. So that means, you know, having somebody ask, for something that aligns with this business or saying somebody should do this. Somebody should create a business that does this thing. it could be, you know, an ad , in a paper.

It could be a Facebook post. There's so many ways that the world is showing you things to respond to. So, for the generator, it's really about paying attention. There are signs all the time. There are things for you to respond to. Every moment of the day. And it's just really slowing down to look at what is here that I can respond to, rather than what am I trying to create.

, and when you can do that, you start to respond in a way that is in alignment. And the way that you do that is through your, what we call your sacral response. The sacral response is a, it's like that gut knowing. Um, so if you have ever said, you know, I feel it in my gut. That is the sacral response. But you know, in human design we say that the sacral response actually has a verbal sound, so it can be uhhuh.

Uhuh. Yep. Nope. Yes, no. So there's a very like, , verbal aspect to this, and it may be something. It's actually often something that you're doing that you don't even recognize that you're doing. So you may be in conversation and as somebody's talking, you're saying Uhhuh, uhhuh, Uhhuh, uh, Uhhuh. Hmm. And so listening to those sounds will give you more clues around.

If your sacral is engaging with this thing or if it is not. And so the important part of this is that the sacral is bypassing the mind. The mind is not here to make decisions for us. As far as things that are in alignment with what we need to do, . Our minds are great for strategizing, for planning, for organizing, and for being an outer authority for other people.

But for ourselves, we really wanna pay attention to our own strategy and authority. So we'll talk about authorities. probably a few more episodes, but we have to kind of talk about it a little bit when we talk about the generator because it's so inherent to how they respond. So they may be, the generator may be an emotional generator, and then there's an additional element to it.

But every generator or manifesting generator response through this sacral response, it is inherent to who they are. It is important to every aspect of their being. , It is something that is just so ingrained within them that they often don't even know that it's there. And what I see is that adults have often been conditioned away from this response and taught to use their mind to make decisions. Because when we are offered an opportunity, we often run it through this filter of. Ooh, do I have the money for this? Oh, is somebody gonna be upset if I say yes? Who is this gonna take away from?

How is it gonna be perceived if I say yes to this? And what the sacral does is it skips this mind business. It skips all this like mental chatter about what is right and what is wrong. And it really gets to the heart of, is this something I want to do? Is this an opportunity that's for me? Is this aligned?

Do I wanna put my energy here? Because the sacral is all about that renewable resource of energy. So it's asking, do I want to invest my energy here? The other thing about the generator, as I mentioned with the manifestors, is they have an emotional signature. So for the generator, it is the emotion of satisfaction.

When they are in alignment, they will feel satisfaction. And I think this is an important thing to distinguish because. A lot of times we're always looking for these really charged emotions, like joyful or excited or thrilled or really disappointed. You know, there's these extremes that we are kind of looking for to really feel something, and the emotional signature of the generator is satisfaction.

So the way I like to describe this is if you've ever had a really big meal where you've over eaten and you feel overly stuffed, it just feels like too much. And if you haven't had enough food, you still feel hungry. You still feel kind of restless, you're still looking for something. But when you have that perfect amount of food, you just feel satisfied.

You feel good. You don't feel overly full, like you can't move and you need to unbutton your pants and you don't feel like you're looking for something else. You just feel content with what is, and that is the feeling. That's the emotion that the generator is striving for is this kind of an absence , of feeling.

It's just feeling content, feeling good when they are not in alignment. The signature emotion is frustration. So the frustration is showing us , as a generator, it's showing you that you are living out of alignment and normally, What I find that it's, it's showing is that you're saying yes to things that you wanna say no to, and you're saying no to things that you wanna say yes to.

So getting really clear on that sacral response and what that means can be a really important, , aspect for you. And so if you're noticing frustration, often it's an opportunity to look at that and how well connected you are to the sacral response. Another place that the generator can feel frustration is when they are learning because they learn through what we call a stair step learning pattern when they are starting something.

And especially with a manifesting generator, , I'll see this more, but the rise quickly in the learning curve and then they'll hit a plateau. And when they're on that plateau, it feels like things are stalled. That's where they are maybe gathering more energy. They may be gathering resources, they may be integrating what they've learned, but it feels like they wanna keep going.

They wanna keep learning and they wanna keep ascending at that same pace. And so they'll get frustrated when they're on , that plateau. And it's really important to be connected to that sacral response at this time because you need to know if you want to quit something, that you're quitting it correctly.

By quitting it correctly. I mean, you are taking the time to say, do I want to quit this? Do I actually wanna keep going? Do I need more information? Is there somebody who can help me? Am I just frustrated? Do I need a break? Do I need to step back? Do I need to work on something else for a little while? So the sacred response really responds best to yes, no questions or this or that.

Questions. If you start asking your sacral open-ended questions, like, what do we wanna do? What is the next best thing? It's gonna get confused. It's gonna get frustrated again because it can't answer those type of questions. You need something to respond to. That's a yes. No, it can be really helpful to have somebody else ask you the questions, and it can be really helpful to do something that we call sacral questions where.

You rapid fire at , the generator type. You know, all these questions like, is the sky blue? Is it raining? Is it sunny? Is it night? Do you like bananas? You know, just firing off these questions and then throwing in the important questions randomly as you, , are going through this so that the generator can't get in their mind too much.

You ask them to. Just say yes or no. There's no, maybe there's no, ah, let me think about it. It's just yes or no. And it's a one second question, answer situation. There's no delaying it. It's rapid fire, and that's how you get connected to that sacral response. Again, if you were disconnected from it. The manifesting generator is, , it's kind of a little bit of a, I don't wanna call it a hybrid, but it kind of is of the generator and the manifester, so, It is not a manifester.

I wanna be clear of that because I've often seen manifesting generators believe that they're manifesters and that is not true. So they are a generator energy type at their core. They just have this extra ability to move quickly once they have responded to something. So like the manifester who can move quickly and initiate things once the manifesting generator has responded to something.

They can take action very quickly, but it's important that they also inform people just like the manifester, what they're doing, so that they have the space and energy and time and everything to do what they want to do. If they get interrupted, they have the not self emotion of not only the frustration of the generator, but they also get the anger of the manifester.

So you'll see frustration and anger from them. And you know, I know that we talk about. Some emotions as negative or not, not acceptable, like anger and frustration and things like that. But they're really just a sign that we are living out of balance and we need to find a way to correct. As long as we're not directing that at people, you know, we can use that as a important signal to correct our pattern.

if you are. Living with a manifesting generator and you see those emotions arising, you know, it's an opportunity to look at how are you engaging with them. If you know human design and they don't, it's also an opportunity to help them understand what it is that they're trying to do, that they're feeling frustrated about.

Maybe they feel obligated to do something other than what they wanna do, and you have an opportunity to show them that they don't have to have that obligation. You know, we can, we can help others learn about their human design, even if they don't want to learn the details of human design. We can help them live in alignment by just asking them the right types of questions.

So, if you have children that are, are generators or manifesting generators, it's important to ask them, yes, no this or that questions to not ask them the open-ended questions. If they are not an emotional authority and they give you a quick yes or no trust, that because their, their knowing of what they want or don't want is very quick, and , it's important for them to stay connected to that, , sacral response that we talked about.

so there's a lot, there's a lot about the generators and manifesting generators, but the biggest thing is that they need to find work that they enjoy. They need to wait for something external to show up in their reality before they respond, and then they need to respond with that sake of response. So if they're not connected to that, their first job is to get connected to the sake of response and really get to know it, because otherwise they're going to step into decisions and and directions that are not correct for them.

And then that will lead to the frustration. We can always get back on track. , so even if you are 50 years old and just learning about human design and realizing that you are not connected to your sacral and that you have been disconnected for a very long time, you can still reconnect to that. And , the great thing is, is once you turn it on as an adult, it's there you, you don't disconnect from that again because you've learned, you've done this the hard way and now you have, you can do it the aligned way.

So, , that's all I have for the generators and manifesting generators today. If you have any questions, always reach out. Otherwise, I'll see you next week.

Aypril Porter

Aypril Porter is a Human Design Life Coach and Author who helps clients reconnect with their authentic selves through understanding their unique design.


Episode 5 - Introduction to the Projector Energy Type in Human Design


Episode 3 - Introduction to the Manifestor Energy Type in Human Design