Episode 6 - Introduction to the Reflector Energy Type in Human Design


Hi, and welcome back. This week we are talking about human design. Reflectors. Reflectors are less than 1% of the population, so they are kind of referred to as the magical unicorn of human design energy types. It is really about who they are being, not what they are doing.

That is important for the reflector because they are here. Kind of reflecting the health of the community back to us, showing us where we are out of alignment, showing us, you know, when things are out of balance and their strategy is to wait an entire lunar cycle before making a big decision. This is like a whole month, you know, it can be a really long time.

So they move slower when they are making big, important decisions. I think the important thing that. Gets overlooked sometimes about the reflector, is that we talk about them being the barometer of the community and showing us when we are out of balance. But it's also important to notice that the reflector is here to find delight and surprise and enjoyment in their life by being in lots of different communities and environments and seeing where they enjoy being.

To adapt and to try different things, to find different communities to explore, to just engage with life. And I, I feel like when a reflector is really doing that, there's so much joy and delight and whimsy involved in that. It's like this serendipitous, like, what is life gonna bring? And there can be so much positivity in it.

The unfortunate part is that. Society is filled with things that are disappointing. And when you are somebody as a reflector who sees the potential in what humanity is capable of, and you see that people are not living up to that, ability, you know, it can be very disappointing and the reflector can get really bogged down with that.

To think that this is the best that. Society is doing the best that humanity is doing or their family, you know, when they know that the potential is so much bigger. And I think I, I have seen a lot of, I mean, not that I've seen a ton of reflectors, but I've seen enough and I've met with enough who have struggled with, you know, addiction issues or self-confidence issues and other things.

And these are people who haven't known human design and have felt. Othered their entire life. They felt like they didn't fit in. They felt like they were judged for certain things. They felt like they were always in the wrong place at the wrong time, and that they felt everything from everybody. Because the human design reflector is one that has no centers colored in on their charts.

So they are taking in the energy of everybody's thoughts and feelings and fears and anxieties and pressure, and. Energy to do, and their willpower and their identity and all of these different elements that make up people. And if they're not aware of this, they mistakenly take that on as this is them.

What they feel is them, or what they sense is them, or this disappointment is them. And that's so not the truth. They're just reflecting what the community is showing them, and it's really a sign that they need to move outta that community because it's not healthy for them. If the community isn't going to see that it's not healthy and change, then the reflector doesn't need to stay there.

The reflector needs to find the place that makes them feel good to be in. It is not up to them to just suffer in this feeling of disappointment because the world around them isn't. Living up to their expectations. you know, it's really important that the reflector has time alone every day. So you may, if you have a reflector child, have a kid who likes to be alone, who likes to play alone, or who likes to go to bed early and just have alone time.

this is important because they're getting out of the aura of other people so that they can just be with themselves and, and start to connect with who they truly are on their own rather than who they are in. Relationship to other people. they also need to go to bed, you know, 30 minutes or so before they are intending to sleep so that they can lie down and, release all of that energy that they've absorbed throughout the day.

They also need to ideally get to know the gates of the human design chart and. Pay attention to the moon throughout the month because they are lunar beings. They're connected deeply to the moon. So what's happening with the moon is really affecting them. The full moon, the new moon, all of these cycles of the moon are important to them, but the moon moves through two to three human design gates each day.

So as it does this, they get to know different elements of the chart. There may be times in the chart where the moon is transiting certain gates where they feel more emotional when, when the emotional gates are being defined. Or they may find that there are certain times in the month when certain gates, maybe the throat gates are, are defined and they find it easier to speak up.

So it's important for them over time, you know, to learn more about the gates and what they feel like and. What it brings out in them, and even times where maybe they feel inhibited, where they can't share as easily as, as other times, because that's gonna help them as they move through their decision making process.

If it takes a lunar cycle to make a decision, they have to really sit through all of those, , energies as they cycle through the gates Now, When we say that it takes a lunar cycle to make a big decision, we have to remember that sometimes a reflector may have been processing a decision for weeks or months before they even speak about it.

And so if you know a reflector is very confident that a decision is correct for them over just maybe a week or a few days, it's important to ask and wonder, you know, have they been thinking about this for some time? Or is this a brand new idea that they've had or, invitation that's come to them or something that, you know, has, has come along for them to respond to.

Even so, you know, asking these things of your reflector child can be really helpful to get to know, like, did they just come up with this idea all of a sudden? Did somebody bring this to their awareness? Do they need to think about it a little bit more before they just jump into this? Now this doesn't mean that like the small decisions of like, do they wanna go to the mall today?

Or do they want tacos for dinner? Needs to be thought about for a month. You don't need a meal plan for a month if you're a reflector. But you know, thinking about like if I'm making a big decision as a reflector, am I gonna move or am I gonna take this job? Or am I gonna go to school for this career or whatever it is to give it plenty of time because, You just really need to feel into all of those energies and, and really connect with not only that but yourself.

And then also like the projector, having a sounding board, somebody who is available to help you reflect what you're saying, to ask you those good questions that provide more, , deep thought on the process and what you might not be, , considering. So the reflector tends to have a few people that are their go-to.

It may not be the parents. If you have a reflector child, it may be someone else in your community who is their trusted go-to sounding board, and it's important to not be offended by that and to recognize that it's good for them to have somebody as long as it's somebody who's trustworthy and who can help them make those decisions for themselves and not tell them what to do.

It's important that they have people in their life for that. And they may have several that, you know, are knowledgeable or, , resources in different areas, whether it's around relationships or jobs or whatever it is. , but having that as a resource is really important to them, and it will help guide them because they'll take that information and then when they go retreat at the end of the day, to have time by themselves, they can reflect on what they've taken in and then process it in their own space and time where they're not affected by other people.

To make that decision and decide what is correct for them. So, another thing , to remember is that with all of those open centers, , the reflector is kind of, , referred to as having what we call a, a non-stick or Teflon aura. So when they're operating in alignment, the sample, the energy of others, but they don't take it on as their own.

And this takes time to learn. Most reflectors are taking in the energy and assuming it's their own. And this is what I talked about earlier, when you know they're mistakenly think that they're depressed or sad, or that they have this identity or you know, whatever it is that's going on around them and they're taking that energy in.

It's not them. So they learn to become that Teflon energy, to sample it, to gain wisdom from it, to decide, is this somewhere I wanna be? Is it somewhere I don't wanna be? Is there some way I can contribute to this community? Or is it not for me? Then making that decision of what is right for them, because ultimately their life is for them to live.

It is not for them to just be here, to be that barometer for the world and and to give, and give, and give. They also have to receive something from the world as well. So if you are a reflector, get to know the cycles of the moon, get to know the energy of the gates of the human design chart and monitor how that they change over time.

Every month the moon will go through all 64 gates of the human design chart. So find some software that will show you what those changes are each day and just pay attention to what they are. Maybe take notes of it, of the different gates and how you feel during those times and when better times are for you to make decisions and when are better times for you to wait.

so that is the human design reflector. They're less than 1% of the population. They are amazing. They are beautiful, beautiful people who are here giving so much to the world. But we also need to remember that. They need to receive from the world as well. Alright, that's all I have for this week.

I will see you next week when we will talk about, , inner authority.

Aypril Porter

Aypril Porter is a Human Design Life Coach and Author who helps clients reconnect with their authentic selves through understanding their unique design.


Episode 8 - Introduction to Sacral Authority


Episode 5 - Introduction to the Projector Energy Type in Human Design