Episode 8 - Introduction to Sacral Authority


Hello friends. This is April again. This episode, we are gonna talk about the inner authority of generators and manifesting generators, which is the sacral authority. Now, generators and manifesting generators may also have a emotional authority, but regardless of whether they do or they don't, All generators and manifesting generators have a connection to their sacral center, which guides them to make decisions.

So even if you have an emotional authority as a generator or manifesting generator, this episode is gonna be important to you because this is the thing that you're tracking underneath that emotional wave to see if it stays a yes or a no to make your decision from. Okay, so the sacral authority, Only is found in the generators or manifesting generators because they are the only energy types that have a defined sacral center in the chart.

This sacral center is that powerhouse of energy. It's that workforce life force, sexual energy that comes from this sacral center. And it is the creation center in a lot of ways, right? It is. It is creating life. It's creating, The next thing in so many different ways, because this is where that doing energy comes from.

So when we look at the sacral center sacral authority, we're looking at a connection to this like belly. Gut knowing. And so you'll hear people say a lot of times, like, I just felt it in my gut. I knew in my gut that it was right or not. and so there can be this element and you know, in traditional human design, they talk a lot about how the sacral center is only, this auditory aspect of the Uhhuh.

Uhuh, yes, no. Yep, nope. You know, whatever that is, that comes out of your mouth is your way of saying yes or no. But I find that a lot of generators and manifesting generators are connected to this with. Also a physical aspect of a gut feeling like a, a literal feeling in the belly. it is a dropping sensation sometimes, or a kind of lightness in the belly.

It is a expansiveness or a contraction. It is a pushing away or pulling toward. And even in conversation, you'll notice that sometimes people will be nodding and saying yes, or they'll kind of shake their head no, or kind of look quizzical at you. That can be part of this process as well, I've noticed. it can also be kind of a, a leaning in to hear more or a pushing away to kind of get some distance from whatever is being said if the, person's sacral is agreeing or disagreeing with it.

So it's important for you to know, you know, what are your sacral sounds? Do you say yes? No? Do you nod along as somebody's talking? When you are in agreement, you know, what does that look like for you? Is there a real sensation in your belly or not? then, you know, do you feel a surge of energy? When you say yes, do you shake your head and say, no?

What does that look like for you? And just get really curious about this. So, This is a really quick response of in the moment kind of response with this inner authority. Unlike the emotional authority, it doesn't need time. It is quick, and it is now. And so when somebody asks you a question, you need a question that actually can be responded to by the sacral, which are yes, no questions or this or that.

Questions. If you get questions with a sacral authority that are, open-ended and it's like, What do you wanna do today? You probably kind of sit feeling a little dumbfounded and thinking, well, I don't know. There's so many choices. What do I choose from? What does everybody else wanna do? And you get really stuck in the mind, and the mind starts creating ideas of what other people might want or what the possibilities are.

And there's just so many that it may shut you down from actually making a decision. So you need somebody to ask you a question that says, You know, do you want to go to the park today or do you wanna go grab some food? You know, is it this or that? Yes or no? Do you want tacos for dinner? Do you want pizza for dinner?

You know, what is it? What is it that is being asked? And can it be responded to with a quick yes or no? Because that sacral response is saying, yes, I wanna put my energy into this. Yes, I want to do this with my physical energy and body, or, no, I do not. And so getting really clear needs a clear question.

People who do not have a defined sacral center and have other inner authorities, they need open-ended questions. So they need the space and time to explore what they might like or what they might feel. whereas the person with the defined sacral center has that quick in the moment, kind of not even in the moment, but it's a quick response.

It's, it's quick, and it's now, if you also have a emotional authority as a generator or manifesting generator, you are going to want to check in with this sacral knowing the sacral yes or no throughout various aspects of your wave. So every time you're checking in, To see if you want to do this thing or not.

You're checking in and you're saying, does my say girl wanna do this? Is this a yes for me right now? Or is it a no? And if your yes, stays consistent throughout your wave, then you can confidently go into that decision knowing that , it's a yes for you. It if you have a no at any point in that wave, it's really a no, because at some point your energy isn't available for this.

And so you can keep waiting this out. You can keep trying it again and again. And you might jump into some decisions and say, well, my sacral only said no once, and maybe it was a fluke. and I would encourage you to try it, right? If it feels right to you, go with it and see what happens. But from the experience that I've had in working with generators and manifesting generators, if they get a no in that wave, it's really a no for them.

and their mind is probably coming in to, you know, alter that idea and. Try and make it something that's more palatable or likable in a way. And so that they, they want to do it, and they say yes or they say no. So that's another piece to this that I, I really wanna emphasize is that for generators and manifesting generators, because you guys have so much energy that is renewable every day, you have the energy to keep going even when you don't feel like it.

So, Burnout for a generator or manifesting generator looks very different than a projector, reflector or manifestor. When the non sacrals burnout, it takes them time to recover. They physically can't get up and do the things that they used to do. On the other hand, a generator or manifesting generator who burns out can keep doing the work that they're doing until the day that they die.

They can get up and keep going to work. They're not gonna like it. They're not gonna feel. Lit up and excited and have a lot of happy, juicy, nice energy that's shared with the world around them. But they can keep doing the work. And so that's the difference. , and the way that we prevent a generator or manifesting generator from really burning out is to connect them to their sacral and to make sure that they are saying no.

To the things that they really don't wanna do. And this is hard because you have so much energy, because you have the ability to do the things that nobody else wants to do sometimes. And you see the need. You're often the person who comes in and picks up the slack and does it anyway. And that builds resentment over time.

And it ties up all of this sacral energy so that you don't have the energy available for you to do the things that you want to do. You're doing all these things that you don't wanna do. So it's really important to check in and listen to those noss because the noss can be just as important and sometimes more important for the generator or manifesting generator than the yeses are.

So if you wanna make a, a quick, kind of like connect your sacral game out of this, I mentioned this in the generator manifesting generator recording as well, but you can get some three by five cards. Write out questions on them that are really basic, really simple, things that you don't have to think a lot about.

So is the sky blue? Do I like chocolate? Am I hungry? You know, all of these things that are like, it's quick. Yes, no, yes, no. You are gonna go through them very quickly, like maybe a second or two in response to each question. Don't overthink it. There's no maybe, or, well, if it's yes or no, that's the only option here is yes or no.

And then you're going to put in, questions about things that are important to you that you're unclear on right now. and this is gonna help you get clarity on those bigger decisions. But in the meantime, just using these simple questions is a great way to activate this sacral center and this inner authority.

And it's really great if you can have somebody else read you the questions so that you are not anticipating what the questions are. You have to do it yourself. Just shuffle 'em up often so that you're not getting the same questions. Throw in new questions all the time, and over time, you will become more connected to the sacred response and begin to trust it more.

So as you begin to use this with, real things in your life, and if you haven't felt very connected to this before, this is something new to you, start with a small thing. Start with what do I want for dinner? Do I want tacos or pizza? Do I want to go out of the house or do I wanna stay in today? You know, just these quick yes or no things of low consequence.

Try them out. See what your sacral says. Play with it and see what the response is that you get. Where are you saying yes to? Things that you wanna say no to. Maybe make a list of those things that you know aren't really lighting up your energy and feel really heavy or burdensome and, you know, consider like is there somewhere in your life that you can begin to say no?

You've been saying yes. And can that free up more energy for more of the things that you wanna do? Okay, that's all I've got for the sacral authority today. The next recording, we'll be diving into some

other authorities that are not as common, so we'll probably go through a couple of those at a time and I'll see you in the next episode.

Aypril Porter

Aypril Porter is a Human Design Life Coach and Author who helps clients reconnect with their authentic selves through understanding their unique design.


Episode 7 - Introduction to Inner Authority + Emotional Authority


Episode 6 - Introduction to the Reflector Energy Type in Human Design